Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept. 30th/Aug. 1st  2014 -So, ever since I was a little boy I have always been fascinated by the “unexplained”.  You know, like ghosts or Bigfoot or UFOs and the like.  I’m not really sure why, but there is something about unsolved mysteries that simply intrigues me.  The really absurd part about this whole fascination is the fact that...
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Monday, September 29, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept. 29th/30th  2014 - So, have you ever considered being involved in a “reality” TV show?  You know, where they place you in “real life” situations and film your reactions?  Have you ever considered the fact that depending upon where you live, you probably already are?  Now at this point you’re probably thinking “this dude has lost his mind!”  But trust me folks, when you read what I’m about to...


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept. 28th/29th  2014 - So, how embarrassed would you be if somebody gained access to the things you’ve searched for on a search engine like google?  Would you be surprised to learn that it happens to you everyday?  Yeah, unless you own or maintain a website yourself or on behalf of your employer...


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept. 27th/28th  2014 - So,
have you ever experienced a “natural disaster”?  It seems like no matter where you currently reside on Planet Earth, you are at risk of being involved in some sort of unpredictable mayhem at any moment!  I saw a news report today about... 


Friday, September 26, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - DISCLAIMERS!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above to visit http://www.thatisabsurdity.com and read all about it.  It's free and you get a smile from it :)

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and Fresh Commentary on - TIME CAPSULES!  Click the above link and claim your free smile :)

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and Fresh Commentary on - Time Capsules!  Click the link above and claim your free smile :)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Updates!  All new NEWS links and fresh commentary on - "INTERESTING"  Come see what is and isn't by clicking the link above!  Free smiles awarded daily!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and Fresh Commentary on - SCAM ARTISTS!  Click the link above "Humorous Observations" to reach http://www.thatisabsurdity.com and GET A FREE SMILE :)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - NEIGHBORS!  Come read all about it and send me your stories!  (Link to actual website is above)

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - BIRTHDAY PARTIES!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above and come get a free smile :)  P.S. - I'm Safe For Work browsing :)

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - BIRTHDAY PARTIES!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above and come get a free smile :)  P.S. - I'm Safe For Work browsing :)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and fresh commentary on - ROBOTS!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above and be rewarded with your very own free smile :)

Friday, September 19, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and Updated Commentary on - DRIVERS!  Click the above link and get your free smile :)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - MY MEAL INVENTION!  Wanna see what's for dinner tonight?  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above!  Happy Reading :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - LAWSUITS!  Come for the absurdity, stay for the smiles :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - PUNISHMENTS!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above to claim your free smile :)

Monday, September 15, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - SURVIVAL PRODUCTS!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above and read all about it! :)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - COLLECTIBLES!  Click the above link (humorous observations) and collect your free smile :)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - TOYS!  click the "Humorous Observations" link above and read all about it.  Guaranteed smiles are awarded daily :)

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and fresh commentary on - STATION WAGONS!  Click the link above to reach www.thatisabsurdity.com and read all about it!  Free smiles awarded daily!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS updates and special commentary on 9/11!  Click link above for www.thatisabsurdity.com and read all about it!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - Ping-Pong!  Click the above link for www.thatisabsurdity.com and get a free smile :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - TECHNOLOGY!  Click the above link for www.thatisabsurdity.com and get your free smile :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - "Americanized Food".  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above and read all about.  5 minutes or less will generate a smile :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - LANDLORDS!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above.  Come for the fun news links, stay for the absurdity! Free smiles awarded daily :)

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - Childhood Innocence!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above and read all about it.  Smiles are provided for free :)

Friday, September 5, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - WORK!  Click the above link to reach www.thatisabsurdity.com and get a free smile :)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - "ELIMINATIONS!"  I know you can't wait to read what in the world I am referring to, so click the "Humorous Observations" link above to access www.thatisabsurdity.com and get a free smile for your efforts :)

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - SLEEP!  Click the "Humorous Observations" link above to reach www.thatisabsurdity.com and collect your free smile :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on "BBQ"!  Click the above link (Humorous Observations) to reach www.thatisabsurdity.com and collect your free smile :)

Monday, September 1, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

All new NEWS links and updated commentary on - "Zoey The Frustrated"  Click the link above to get to www.thatisabsurdity.com to read all about who "Zoey" is and what she is "frustrated" about.  It just might give you a smile :)