Sunday, February 22, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Feb 22nd /23rd '2015  So, it has been several days since I've updated the site and those of you who have read me lately already know why.  THE FLOOD.  The details can be found in the last edition.  So, as I am finally able to actually sit down in my office in front of my computer, I figured I would provide you all with a status update. Now I wish that this update was all about how...

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Sunday, February 15, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Feb 15th /16th '2015  So, did you happen upon THIS article during your weekend web browsing?  It doesn’t shock anyone these days despite the fact that it is completely immoral, disgraceful and disgusting as hell.  If you didn’t click the link, the article is yet another one in a long line of news events regarding the never ending parade of idiots who ...


Wednesday, February 11, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Feb 11th /12th '2015  So, sometimes you just need a day off ya know? Sometimes you need to just say "whatever" and just give it a rest for a day.  It is tough to do when you love what you are doing, and trust me Dear Readers, I do very much enjoy writing about all manner of absurdity for you. But occasionally life presents you with some unique challenges and you have to prioritize your time.  Such...


Friday, February 6, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Feb 5th /6th '2015  So, did you check out the Absurdity Today news links?  Oh man, I honestly can’t believe some folks still don’t have a clue about the oldest scam on the internet.  In fact, the scam is a lot older than the actual internet, but the nature of today’s world wide instant communication just accelerated its growth.  I am referring to theNigerian Money Fraud Scam of course.  Who among us has not...