Monday, April 27, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 28th/29th '2015  So, I don't know if  THIS story is actually true or not, but if it is, it probably wins the award for Absurdity of the Year.  It is almost too bizarre to be real, and as I say, the link is not exactly "mainstream media" broadcast worthy "news".  But anyway, here is the long and short of it - A... 


Sunday, April 26, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 26th/27th '2015  So, did you happen to see THIS news story?  If you missed this particular one don't worry; It will happen again soon.  It seems to happen nearly every day.  Yeah, apparently crime is an activity that tends to make people sleepy.  WHAT?!?!  Well how else can you explain the fact that we seem to have a damn near epidemic of...


Saturday, April 25, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 25th/26th '2015  So, when was the last time you stayed at a "Motel"?  Please note that I didn't write the word "Hotel".  Do you even know the difference between the two different words?  HERE is a simple link for you to learn, or refresh your memory.  When you actually stay at a Motel, the differences become as clear as crystal.  As I write this, the children of strangers are using the hallway as a....


Friday, April 24, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 25th/26th '2015  So, when was the last time you stayed at a "Motel"?  Please note that I didn't write the word "Hotel".  Do you even know the difference between the two different words?  HERE is a simple link for you to learn, or refresh your memory.  When you actually stay at a Motel, the differences become as clear as crystal.  As I write this, the children of strangers are using the hallway as a....


Wednesday, April 22, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 23rd/24th '2015  So, when was the last time you drove 531 miles?  I did it today.  No big deal really, unless you don't like driving.  I happen to love driving, so if I can get paid to do it then all the better.  But what I found absurd about this journey of mine today was the fact that I couldn't get a particular song out of my head because of it.  Can you even guess what the name of this song is?  And no, it...


Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 21st/22nd '2015  So, did you see THIS ARTICLE during your journey across the "interwebs" today?  You can't make this kind of absurdity up folks.  Here is the story in a nutshell -  a robot using Bitcoin currency was "arrested" for purchasing illegal drugs.  WHAT?!?!  Oh yes, it is a...


Monday, April 20, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 20th/21st '2015  So, as many of you who regularly read me already know, I just got a new P.C.  Unlike the "kids" of today, I'm not  a fan of interacting with the internet on my smart phone.  I'd rather behold the power, beauty, majesty, and absurdity of this world on a larger screen.  So, unlike smartphones (for the most part)...


Sunday, April 19, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 19th/20th '2015  So, when was the last time you ate a meal at a diner?  You know, like Waffle House?  When your work takes you "on the road" you inevitably find yourself at some sort of restaurant, and if it happens to be breakfast time your choices are fairly limited.  I had my morning meal at a nearby Waffle House this morning and... 


Saturday, April 18, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 18th/19th '2015  So, I'm not going to ask you if you saw THIS article on the "interwebs" because you probably didn't.  I know this because nobody in their "right mind" would click on an article entitled "Do Vampires Poop?".  Yes, I admit it, as a fan of traditional old fashioned horror I have always been intrigued by the notion of...


Friday, April 17, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 17th/18th '2015  So,  do you have a job that is weather dependent? What I mean is do you have (or have you had) a job that prevents you from working during certain weather conditions?  Most people probably don't.  If you work indoors for example, you are  immune from the weather.  Even many people who work outdoors can still... 


Thursday, April 16, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 16th/17th '2015  So,  when was the last time you took a plane flight?  If you have been on planet Earth for as long as I have then you realize how completely different air travel is these days compared to yesteryear.  It is really more akin to a Greyhound Bus journey than the comfortable exciting adventure I recall from my youth.  And I am willing to bet the...


Wednesday, April 15, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

April 15th/16th '2015  So,
 did you miss me?  I missed you too!  Yeah, for those of you whofollow me on twitter, you know I have tried to remain active on there, but it sure is nice to be able to get back to the absurdity here on this website.  For explanations as to where I have been, please scroll down to my previous entries and read all about the great flood and its aftermath.  Of course, my family and I are...