Thursday, July 30, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 31st/Aug.1st '2015  So, being a Parent can be hard work. I say "can be", because for some of us, it is harder than others. For me personally, it isn't all that difficult. I mean I spend most of my time on the road and away from home, so when I do get to spend time with the kids, it is usually just "Fatherly advice" or "go ask your Mother". Obviously, you realize that my Wife bears most of the...


Tuesday, July 28, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 28th/29th '2015  So, how do you define "normal behavior"? I mean, everyone can spot abnormal  behavior pretty easily. I suppose it is like that old joke about pornography - "I may not be able to define it, but I know it when I see it". But is there truly a measure for "normal" when it comes to...


Friday, July 24, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 24th/25th '2015  So,  it is an inescapable fact that many aspects of our lives are simply beyond our control. Try as we might to plan, or forecast, or prepare, we simply do not have a 100% guarantee of anything unfolding or occurring as expected. Such was my day yesterday. Yes, if you are a regular Dear Reader of mine, then you already know that...


Wednesday, July 22, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 22nd/23rd '2015  So, unless you have been living in a cave or under a rock for the past year and a half then you know all about the insane terrorists marauding through the middle east who are commonly referred to as ISIS. Yes, they seem to be the biggest threat to world stability since the Second World War and there doesn't seem to be any end in sight. But even in the face of such horror there is...


Tuesday, July 21, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 21st/22nd '2015  So, 
 what (or who I should ask) is a "hero"?  A: hero - noun, plural heroes; 
for 5 also heros.
1. a man of distinguished courage or ability,
 admired for his brave 
deeds and noble qualities.
2. a person who, in the 
opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act 
and is regarded as a 
model or ideal:
He was a local hero when he saved the drowning 


Monday, July 20, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 20th/21st '2015  So, have you ever noticed that some people have a reaalllllly hard time letting go of their proverbial "15 minutes of fame"?  Yeah, sometimes people pull off an amazing stunt, or survive a death defying accident, or just do something really stupid to end up being "note worthy" for a minute or two,  and then they find themselves suddenly thrust into the National spotlight for about a week or so. They are in...


Saturday, July 18, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 18th/19th '2015  So, you probably missed THIS ONE while you were traversing the web this weekend. It's no big deal really. Just your average day down at the bar. You know how it usually goes. Its like that old joke - "So, a squirrel walks into a bar....". Only this time the squirrel got drunk and caused hundreds of dollars worth of damage.WHAT?!?!  Oh yes, he may be fairly small compared to your average human, but...


Thursday, July 16, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 16th/17th '2015  So,  you do realize that we are all living witnesses to the death of free speech in America right?  WHAT?!?!  Yes, you read that correctly.  Free Speech is supposed to be a fundamental right in our nation.  It is enshrined in our Constitution.  But just like every other inalienable right in the good old U.S. of A., it is being replaced by the absurd forces of the politically correct "thought police". Instead of having freedom of expression, we now have certain words or phrases that...


Sunday, July 12, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 13th/14th '2015  So, ​once again I find myself in a position whereby somebody might get "offended". Somebody might get their "feelings hurt". Somebody might actually try to accuse me of this absurd notion of "micro-aggression".  But that's OK. I'm all good with that. I believe in truth. I believe that if the truth makes an omelet, and a few "eggs" get their little egos bruised or broken in the process, then...


Saturday, July 11, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 11th/12th '2015  So, ​this is amusing to me. I am currently staying in Absurd, Massachusetts ​(actual name of town withheld to protect the innocent), and the Hotel that will be my home for the next few days is actually piping in MUZAK throughout the Common Areas. WHAT?!?! Yes, you read that correctly. Now, for those of you who were...


Thursday, July 9, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 9th/10th '2015  So, one thing you notice when you work (as I do) in different parts of our Country known as The United States of America is that there are a WHOLE LOT of folks who are not "from here".  Now, I for one have learned that an ancestor of mine (who coincidentally shares my first AND last name) landed at Mobjack Bay, Virginia in 1607 as an Indentured Servant. This makes me an "original" (non-native) American by birth, and my native language is ENGLISH.  And for most of my life, that is the only language I ever...


Wednesday, July 8, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 8th/9th '2015  So, anyone who knows me personally and any of you who have been really long term readers of mine all know that I love Hot & Spicy food.  I always have.  In fact, I am a certifiable "Hot Wings Fanatic" and they are a regular feature in my weekly meal selections.  But having said that, and as much as I love Tabasco Sauce, I would not.. READ MORE @

Sunday, July 5, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 5th/6th '2015  So,  I took a day off from Blogging. What? You got a problem with that? I'm allowed, just ask my Boss. Oh yeah, I don't have one here. I AM theAuthor of Absurdity and Master of my own Domain! Anyway, I trust y'all had a fun 4th of July while I worked for a living. Yeah, obviously I just write for my own (and your) enjoyment here, hence the reason for no advertisements on the site, but I do appreciate your eyeballs. Moving right along, did you...

Thursday, July 2, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

July 3rd/4th '2015  So, I realize that that the upcoming holiday is Independence Day and not Halloween, but my Wife sent me a video link of a show she saw on T.V. the other night that freaked her out.  Now I for one am a big horror movie fan, so it takes a lot to "freak me out", but to see live footage of one of...