Saturday, August 29, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.30th/Aug31st '2015 So, when you live and work most of your life out of Hotel Rooms, it truly gives you a different perspective on life. That is if you actually have one to begin with, of course. WHAT?!?! Well, you know what I mean. I mean if you have something called "home" to return to after you are done working. Yes y'all, I actually do own a fairly nice house. It has a "Hot Tub" and an "In Ground Pool" and a "Sun Room", and it is pretty well...


Friday, August 28, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.28th/Aug 29th '2015 So, The Beatles sang of it first in a song called "Eleanor Rigby". The question they posed was "Ah, look at all the lonely people. Where do they all come from?". Well, my Dear Readers, I have the answer for you. But first I need to provide some clarification. The "lonely people" these days are all men. The few women who pretend to be lonely are being paid for their time and acting abilities. And as to where these lonely men actually come from...

Thursday, August 27, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.27th/Aug 28th '2015 So, I accidentally.....well, I didn't, but a friend of mine did. WHAT?!?!Well, it's almost tooabsurd for words, but it did strike me as the funniest thing I had heard all day. So here it is. My friend said to me in conversation - "So, I accidentally Sieg Heiled a dude today". WHAT?!?!?! Yes y'all, it's a real event. And now you are wondering, exactly how in the hell do you... 


Tuesday, August 25, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.26th/Aug 267h '2015 So I get the stupidest junk email y'all, I really do. I always end up on "the lists". You know, whatever companies out there who monitor what you click on during your interweb surfing (inadvertently, accidentally, or purposefully) who then seem to figure out who you are and who then send you endless emails about...


Monday, August 24, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.25th/Aug 26th '2015 So, this is going to "offend". Not because I want it to, and not because it should, but because too many people in this world are absurd and take "offense" to any and everything that people say, or write, or do. Like I am responsible for thatOR for them, right? Like I should care? Like they care about me? PLEASE!"Offended" people don't care about me anymore than they care aboutYOU, but I digress. No my Dear Readers, the point of today's exercise is... 


Sunday, August 23, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.23rd/Aug 24th '2015 So,​ I need some help understanding this new "America" that is unfolding before my bewildered eyes. What happened to my Country? What happened during my damn near 50 years on this planet while I was working and trying to pay bills and have "the Wife, and 2.5 Kids, and the white picket fence, and the two cars in the garage, and the chicken in every pot"? What happened to...


Saturday, August 22, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.23rd/Aug 24th '2015 So, apparently "It's the end of the world as we know it". WHAT?!?!?! Well, technically "not yet". You have a month to say your goodbyes. One whole month and then it's all over. Well, that is of course  until folks wake up on the morning of September 24th and find themselves still here. Yes y'all, it's a real thing and it's pureabsurdity, but it's been...


Friday, August 21, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.21st/Aug 22nd '2015 So,  exactly what in the hell is going on with all of these "food experiments" these days? You know what I'm talking about. People trying to invent new trends by mixing up different combinations of food groups. They are obviously trying to create the latest, greatest "must have" food fad, but seriously y'all. I think it started with...


Wednesday, August 19, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.19th/Aug 20th '2015 So, have you ever tried to win a prize? You know, like a contest, or a giveaway, or a raffle, or some other type of promotion where some company urged you to "enter to win"? If you answered yes, then I would like to know - how far did you go in your attempts to win? In other words, to what lengths did you extend your time, attention, and...

Sunday, August 16, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.17th/Aug 18th '2015 So,  I was forced to drive through New York, NY today on my way to a new destination for work. If you ever get the chance to do that yourself, PASS IT UP! Let it go. Just DON'T do it. Unless you enjoy logjam traffic, of course, then by all means, please help yourself. But the point of today's absurdity is not traffic. No my Dear Readers, today is about what I heard on the local A.M. Radio stations during my sojourn through New York. Specifically on the news station which happened to be 880 on the dial. They said that Times Square was...


Friday, August 14, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.15th/Aug 16th '2015 So, it was bound to happen sooner or later, so here it is -  I check into my Absurdity News Websites for blog content and there it was. Plain as day. Plain as the nose on your face (which, if you think about it, isn't all that plain because you usually don't look down and see your own nose at all, but anyway). Yeah, I'm talking, of course, about the one name that comes up like a... 


Wednesday, August 12, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.13th/Aug 14th '2015 So, it's no secret that The Bible is perhaps the best selling book in the history of the world. Even if you don't believe or weren't raised in a Christian home, your parents or grandparents probably owned one or two. Perhaps you do too. I know I own quite a few, but I'm kinda into it, so....but anyway, I digress. So the point is, if you are an American, you probably own, or are...


Tuesday, August 11, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.11th/Aug 12th '2015  So,  I heard on the radio today that many folks who are closely connected to the various institutions of higher learning known as "colleges" or "universities" secretly admit that at least 50% of their students have "no business being there". Are you shocked? Are you dismayed or saddened? Or, like me, do you think - "Well of course they don't you idiots!". This absurdnotion that every single child born in the world today is a...


Sunday, August 9, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.9th/Aug 10th '2015  So,  the older I get, the more I am fascinated by how people were "raised". You know what I mean. You came from "X" background, and now you are an adult and you meet someone with whom you get along and you find out that they are from "y" background. And no, I am not talking about the difference between Men and Women with the "X/Y" example. What I am referring to is...


Friday, August 7, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.7th/Aug 8th '2015  So,  did you catch THIS one in your web surfing today? This is the kind of bureaucratic nonsense that just infuriates me.  So if you haven't clicked the link yet, There is obviously  somebody in the highway department in Texas who needs to justify their job. Now the article doesn't say the name of the town, or county, or whether this is even a State or Federal road. But, the point remains that...


Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.5th/Aug 6th '2015  So,  sometimes you just have to have a "warm and fuzzy" feel good type of story. Yeah, with so much Absurdity in our world, it is hard not to be discouraged or just down right cynical. But then, along comes an article like THIS ONE and it simply warms the heart. So, imagine yourself being an American soldier during World War Two. Now imagine yourself fighting and trying to...


Tuesday, August 4, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.3rd/Aug 4th '2015  So,  I hate to do this to you. I really do. So, I apologize in advance for being so immature and foolish OK? Good. Now that we have the pleasantries out of the way, please allow me to introduce you toLIZARD MAN! Wait, that wasn't dramatic enough. Let me try again. It's LIZ-ARRRRD-MAAAAAAAAN! Sung to the tune of the typical '70's Cartoon theme song. Only this is no...


Saturday, August 1, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Aug.1st/Aug 2nd '2015  So,  a strange twist of fate in my current accommodations has given me a new insight into absurdity. Specifically, you don't always get what you pay for. Oh come on, you know that old expression. Somebody tries to save a buck or two and buys the cheaper model or the "off brand" and when it breaks down or otherwise fails to live up to the promises, some wise guy will pipe up and say...