Thursday, October 29, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.29th/Oct.30th'2015  So, ​​as it turns out y'all, I'm a Professional Wrestler! YUP!! And here is the really freaky part - YOU MIGHT BE ONE TOO! Of course, you probably haven't seen me on "Pay Per View" or in your local area Arena yet, but I'm guessing it won't be too long. But first, a little background to give you the details of my career. I do most of my "work" in bed. WHAT?!?! Get your minds out of the gutter y'all! We're talking about "wrestling" here. And don't forget, you might be in the same...


Sunday, October 25, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.25th/Oct.26th'2015  So, ​​call me an "Old Fart", or whichever expletive you would choose to describe me, but this damn World has become too absurdlycomplicated and stupid, and I think I was born in the wrong time. Yes folks, technology was supposed to make our lives better, and easier, and more fun. And when it comes to "entertainment", technology has delivered in spades. Technology is really, really good at putting instant "fun" right at your fingertips, that is is true. Wanna hear... 


Thursday, October 22, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.21st/Oct.22nd'2015  So,​​ did y'all see THIS bit of foolishness in your "interweb" browsing today? It's simply another example of theabsurdity of "higher education" these days. What passes for "education" in our nation's colleges and universities is simply yesterday's Vogue Magazine article or TMZ broadcast. There is nothing valuable to learn about the "Miss America Pageant", except to note that some people on our planet have limited interests and lots of free time. I mean, why else would someone actually spend hard earned money on...


Friday, October 16, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.16th/Oct.17th'2015  So, ​​welcome to the Third of the 2015 "Freaky Friday Editions" of My Own Absurdity. As promised, in honor of that most absurd of all American Holiday Traditions -HALLOWEEN, I will be writing about what I always write about. Namely, the absurdity of the human condition. I assume you are a human if you are reading this, otherwise I apologize and mean no harm to your species. In any event, I am about to reveal to you how if you are an American, then at least once in your life, you or someone you know, has spent perfectly good money to cause you to feel an emotion that you...


Tuesday, October 13, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.13th/Oct.14th'2015  So, ​have you ever noticed that some people who become instantly or suddenly "super wealthy" seemingly overnight also become instantly retarded? YOU CAN'T USE THAT WORD!!!! Yes y'all, I realize that the term "retarded" has become toxic in this absurd culture, but let's all be realistic for a brief moment OK? Who amongst us has not heard the phrase "mentally challenged" and not immediately thought "Oh, they mean retarded" huh? The defense rests. Anyway, lets all get past that foolishness and focus on...


Sunday, October 11, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.11th/Oct.12th'2015  So, ​I have discovered the cure for loneliness y'all.  WHAT?!?!  I know!  Can you believe it? It was really quite by accident to be honest with you. I mean, who amongst us has never at least once felt like they were all alone and/or that nobody cared right? And now I have discovered a way to put that miserable feeling to rest once and for all. But before I share this incredible, amazing discovery, I feel it necessary to give you a little background on myself which will help illustrate my...


Friday, October 9, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.9th/Oct.10th'2015  So, welcome to the Second of the 2015 "Freaky Friday Editions" of My Own Absurdity. As promised, in honor of that most absurd of all American Holiday Traditions -HALLOWEEN, I will be exploring some of the more "spooky" aspects of not only our culture, but of the world at large. So this week I have decided upon an aspect of our world-wide, universal humanity which unites us all.WHAT?!?! Yes, y'all, it doesn't matter where...


Thursday, October 8, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.7th/Oct.8th'2015  So, there are too many people on drugs and not enough people not on drugs. There, I said it. It needed to be stated, and I realize it has been stated by others, but it needs to go "mainstream". And no, I'm not talking about MARIJUANA you "Pot Heads" as folks used to (maybe still do?) say. I'm talking about "Prescribed Drugs". The supposed replacement for genuine "Mental Health Treatment" in America today. Yup, instead of white lab-coated men with butterfly nets chasing your crazy Aunt in the front lawn , the Mental Health Care Industry basically...


Monday, October 5, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.5th/Oct.6th'2015 So, ​did y'all see THIS news article wash up in your web surf today? I'm as sorry as I can be y'all, but I don't care if you serve them out of a food truck or a damn five star restaurant, I am not going to pay money to eat bugs. WHAT?!?! Well, obviously you didn't click the link. Some absurdcollege in Connecticut has a Food Truck selling crickets to people. What kind of slug brain gets hungry and thinks to themselves, "you know, I'm really hungry and I happen to have a few bucks on me. I think I'll go over to to that Food Vendor and buy myself a nice order of insects!"...


Saturday, October 3, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.3rd/Oct.4th'2015 So, welcome to the first of the 2015 "Freaky Friday Editions" of My Own Absurdity. As promised, in honor of that most absurdof all American Holiday Traditions -HALLOWEEN, I will be exploring some of the more "spooky" aspects of not only our culture, but of the world at large. So this week I have decided upon a very peculiar phenomenon that is both spooky and freaky at the same time. I am referring, of course, to the notion of Alien Abduction. WHAT?!?! I know, I know. It's weird, but hear me out y'all. I promise this will... 

Thursday, October 1, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Oct.1st/Oct.2nd'2015 So, the "Spooky Season" is upon us. Of course, I use the term "us" rather loosely, because I don't believe "Halloween" is a worldwide phenomenon, but for those of us living in The Good Old U. S. of A., it sure is a big deal. Well, for some of us more than others obviously. But, I'll tell you this folks, without revealing too much personal information, I can share that my...