Thursday, December 17, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 17th/Dec. 18th  '2015
So,​  life is so strange, and it keeps getting stranger, and I didn't think life would get more complicated when I was young. I have written about my idyllic childhood before, so scroll down through  "My Own Absurdity" or check the ARCHIVES for that one if you are so inclined, but suffice to say that the older I get, the stranger life becomes. I am now statistically halfway through this journey we call life, if you believe what the "Wizards of Smarts" would say is the "normal lifespan" of the typical American Male. And, if you choose to


Saturday, December 12, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 13th/Dec. 14th  '2015
So,​  here's a pop-quiz question for ya - What is perhaps the world's most talked about yet least understood subject matter? If you answered WEATHER then "DING DING DING!!" You win the prize, which is the satisfaction of knowing a somewhat interesting little piece of trivia.Congratulations! Now for the rest of you, allow me to prove my assertion. As to the "most talked about" description, give it a thought for a moment. What is the number one thing that strangers at a bus stop or in....


Thursday, December 10, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 11th/Dec. 12th  '2015
So,​  as most of you probably already know, it's usually not a joyous occasion when you are visiting a cemetery. I mean, it's not like the folks who reside there are very sociable. They usually don't offer any form of entertainment or refreshments or even a comfortable place to sit down! So if you had to sum up a visit to the cemetery in one word, that word would have to be "somber". And that's the way I suppose it is meant to be really. I mean, you wouldn't want your cemeteries to be disrespectful to their residents right? So the lack of...


Wednesday, December 9, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec 8th/Dec.9th  '2015
So,​  this entry is merely a "helpful hint" guide to would-be or aspiring petty criminals. Not that I am one mind you, but just like with anything else, you don't need to "be one to know one" as the saying goes. So anyway, hint # 1 -CRIMINALS ARE STUPID, SO DON"T BE ONE! OK, sorry for yelling, but seriously y'all, when are these dumb-dumbs gonna learn? It's the oldest hint in the book, going all the way back to the original radio days of The Shadow - "Crime does not pay!" They almost always get caught, and when they don't right away, they...


Saturday, December 5, 2015 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec 5th/Dec.6th  '2015
So,​   if "you are what you eat", then my question to you is this - Do you wanna be SHAKESPEARE? If you are a writer (or an aspiring one), or a "blogger" such as myself, you probably either think you already are "him", or you think you suck. At least I do. When I re-read my stuff, I either think "that's pretty cool" or I think "what in the hell is this crap?" But maybe that's just me. I don't know, it's not like I live in some "writers commune" getting...