Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Fake News...I mean, Fake Commercials!

So, as an avid reader of online news, I'm always tempted to click on the cheesy outside links that usually reside (as an ad) within the body of the articles I peruse. They always have some kind of appealing, yet trashy angle to them like "The Secret Andy Griffith Hid From Everyone!" or "The Three Foods your Doctor Warns Will Kill You!". Of course, I know they are just spam and "click bait", but still, sometimes it's fun to be diverted from reality ya know? 

But lately, the "Fake News" syndrome has taken on a new form, and now the bait-and-switch articles don't even pretend to be news, they pose as news and then they link to a fake article under a fake banner just to sell some manner of snake oil! Case in point the photo above. It reads "K. James Punches a Fan" and has a banner that reads "Breaking News". OK. I'll bite. So, some fool told Kevin James that Paul Blart the Mall Cop was a crap movie and the K-Man went postal and knocked the dude out right? NOPE! 

When you click the link, it takes you a completely bogus website called "craftyproduction.com (clever name huh?) which purports to actually be Fox News (seriously!) which then goes on to explain that Kevin James has "E.D." and has tried all of the available prescriptions to no avail until he tried (and I kid you not) "ALPHA HARD RELOAD". Now I don't know about you, but I just can't picture Kevin James being so "hard up" for cash that he would EVER do an "E.D." commercial, much less one for a product with an absurd name like "ALPHA HARD RELOAD" which appears on a bogus website claiming to be Fox News, do you? Maybe it's just me, I dunno. Anyway, it's absurd, so I thought I'd share. The moral of the story is, not only is the news "fake", the commercials are too! See you tomorrow!

Monday, January 22, 2018

Starting Over

So, "no promises of Arabian nights, no white waves on an ocean, no gems from a golden age", or so the old song by ICEHOUSE goes (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-o9BCQP0cns) Anyway, I'm thinking of restarting the old blog via good ole' GOOGLE. Perhaps the absurdity remains. We shall see. Stay tuned