Wednesday, December 31, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 31st, '14/1st, '15 -  So, I don’t mind admitting that I’ve been “drunk” a time or two in my life.  I’m not saying that I am particularly proud of that fact or anything, but then again, I’m not all that ashamed of it either.  Probably because I don’t remember all of the horrible antics during my drunken episodes! But still, somehow through the thick fog and haze...

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Tuesday, December 30, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 30th/31st, 2014 -  So, I caught the “CRUD”. You know what the “CRUD” is don’t you?  Some people call it a “bug” and some people call it a “cold”.  But it is the “CRUD”.  And it is so named because it makes you feel like CRUD. Oh well, there are worse ailments to have for sure, so I suppose I shouldn’t complain.  But I will. Yeah,...

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Monday, December 29, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 29th/30th, 2014 -  So, "why did I walk into this room?" Have you ever asked yourself that question?  Welcome to my reality!  No, I don’t have Alzheimer's yet.  YET!  It is a question that plagues all of humanity at some point. All of us who live long enough will think of something that we need to do, and when it happens we will readily leave our current location to go do it.  Then...

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Saturday, December 27, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 27th/28th, 2014 -  So, as I have written about before, people do all kinds of strange things to their bodies.  They pierce themselves with all manner of metal objects, from ear rings to nose rings.  Some folks have “horns” surgically implanted into their heads.  And I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures of the Dude who transformed himself into a “human lizard” before.  But sometimes, people do things...

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Thursday, December 25, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 25th/26th, 2014 -  So, the “Big Day” arrived.  Did Santa bring you everything you wanted?  I made out like a bandit! Our daughter, however, got away with being terribly naughty this year.  Did you see yesterday’s edition?  She did exactly what I described that she would do, except she ignored our command to go back to bed and began screaming up the staircase at...

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 24th/25th, 2014 -  So, this is the “Big Event”.  The day children of all ages have been waiting for all year.  It’s finally CHRISTMAS!  Oh man, when I was a kid, Christmas took approximately nine years to arrive.  It’s TRUE!  The only time a kid could expect to get “presents” back in the day was on his or her birthday or at Christmas.  And when you are a child, what in the...

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Monday, December 22, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 22nd/23rd, 2014 -  So, everything you read about in the news lately is regarding all of the “protests”.  Protests here, protests there, protests, protests everywhere!  People marching in the streets, people looting, people destroying other people’s property.  It’s horrible!  So, I thought I would take us back to...

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Sunday, December 21, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 21st/22nd, 2014 -  So, I just happened upon THIS story today.  It’s no big deal really.  Just a dude holding a "long-barreled weapon and a fake chicken" who was threatening to eat a woman alive. WHAT?!?! Yeah, just a typical crime story.  A drunken dude, a rifle, and a …….rubber chicken?  Folks, I’m sorry but...

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Saturday, December 20, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 20th/21st, 2014 -  So, did you happen to see THIS story on the “interwebs” yesterday?  It happens every year around the Christmas Season.  Seemingly normal, rational people will suddenly get struck by the Christmas Spirit like a lightning bolt and give away their money or possessions to complete strangers!  WHAT?!?!  Yeah, it doesn’t usually happen any other time of the year, but...

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Friday, December 19, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 19th/20th, 2014 -  So, I thought we might have a little “Weekend Fun” with this edition.  Yeah, one of the inescapable facts of the Season is that no matter where in this country you live, at least one radio station in your town has been playing Christmas Music 24 hours a day since Thanksgiving.  Every single song is...

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Thursday, December 18, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 18th/19th, 2014 -  So, “Jingle Bells” is actually a song about drunk driving written by a “jerk”.  WHAT?!?!? Hey don’t blame me, I’m just the messenger!  But apparently it’s true!  And there is even more high absurdity to the story.  Not only is “Jingle Bells” a song about drunk driving,  it...

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Wednesday, December 17, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 17th/18th, 2014 -  So, one of my family’s traditions during the Christmas Season is to break out and watch all of the old classic Holiday Movies.  Yeah, it truly is one of the best ways to help get you into the Spirit of the Season.  Now some of our favorites are the following – A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th St., It’s a Wonderful Life, and, of course, A Christmas Carol.  Only the originals will do, and each of those films is...
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 16th/17th, 2014 -  So, I was listening to the radio today and a man in a commercial asked the question “where is the can?”  He then followed that up with the statement – “No, I don’t mean the one down the hall on the left”.  This is where you insert the drummer’s “rim shot” right?  But obviously he was referring to one of the many colorful names people use for the...

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Monday, December 15, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 15th/16th, 2014 -  So, did you know that The United States of America was founded by drunks?  WHAT?!?!? Yeah, I know you didn’t learn that in grade school. But it happens to be true!  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not calling our Founding Fathers “bums” or saying that they frequently “passed out” in public like a bunch of wild frat boys.  In fact, they were some of the greatest minds...

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Sunday, December 14, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 14th/15th, 2014 -  So, did you happen to see THIS story on the “interwebs”?  Apparently there are actually people in this world who don’t believe The Beatles ever really existed.  WHAT?!?! Yeah, it’s pretty weird alright.  But, according to the article, the folks who are making this claim state: “We are here to explore whether the original individuals themselves ever...

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Saturday, December 13, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 13th/14th, 2014 -  So, how many chemicals do you eat everyday? WHAT?!?!  You do know that you eat chemicals don’t you?  I mean, you may not eat them in their “raw” form like straight from the “test tube” or anything, but you eat them nevertheless.  You’re just lucky to be living in the good old U.S. of A., because many of these chemicals that you love so much are...

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Friday, December 12, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 12th/13th, 2014 -  So, did you see THIS news story yet?  This is another one of those re-run type articles that pops up every Christmas Season – The awkward family Christmas photos!  Yeah, I’m not really sure what it is about the holidays that makes people lose all sense of decency and rational thought, but it happens every year.  Perfectly normal, reasonable people will...

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Thursday, December 11, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 11th/12th, 2014 -  So, did you see THIS story today?  Oh man, I wondered if I should even go near this, but it speaks to a larger point so I will try to tread carefully.  Anyway, what I have been noticing over the past 20 years is that it is becoming increasingly harder for people to be able to speak the truth without being ridiculed or attacked.  WHAT?!?! Yes, you read that correctly.  If a...

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 10th/11th, 2014 -  So, did you happen to see THIS story in the news today?  Wow!  You know, I suppose I am rather lucky in that I've never actually known anybody who was murdered.  WHAT?!?! Yeah, it's a strange thing to say I suppose, but you do read about it all of the time in the news.  It is the number one lead story on every local T.V. news broadcast too!  It starts the same way every night at 6:00 p.m....

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Tuesday, December 9, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 9th/10th, 2014 -  So, THIS news story is a couple of days old, but good absurdity is good absurdity right?  Anyway, if there is one thing I know, it’s that nobody wants to see a naked man. WHAT??!?! Yeah, I know, I know, it makes me feel a little awkward even typing it out since I happen to be a man.  Of course, I’m not a naked man… the moment… far as you know….I mean, unless you happen to stumble upon this site while...

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Monday, December 8, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 8th/9th, 2014 -  So, did you happen to see THIS story today?  If you missed it, don’t worry.  Next week, there will be another one just like it.  And no, I’m not talking about another “cop shoots unarmed man” type story either.  I’m referring to when Deer break in to your home and ransack it.  WHAT?!?  Yeah, it’s strange occurrence, but nearly every week I see another...

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Sunday, December 7, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 7th/8th, 2014 -  So, those of you who have kids are going to know exactly what I’m talking about here.  Those without children, get ready to be schooled on some of the painful realities of parenthood.  Every little boy and girl loves to have and/or attend the “sleep over”.  Whether it is hosting somebody else’s kid at your house, or packing your kid up and shipping him or her off to someone else’s house, every kid just loves it!  Now, as much as it...

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Saturday, December 6, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 6th/7th, 2014 -  So, with all of the troubles we’ve seen raging across the country between “civilians” and the police, I thought I might take us back to a gentler, simpler time.  I time like September 7, 2007 when the biggest problem a man faced in dealing with the police was in trying to get his porn collection back.WHAT?!?!?  Yeah, it’s a bizarre one folks, and I originally wrote about it on my old blog “That’s Absurd” which used to appear on...

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Thursday, December 4, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 4th/5th, 2014 -  So, did you happen to see THIS article?  Apparently a major elevator manufacturer called ThyssenKrupp is creating an actual version of Willy Wonka’s Elevator!  Well, not really, but it sure will feel like it if they actually get it up and running.  They are promising it will go front ways and back ways and sideways and all I can see is a whole lot of...

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Wednesday, December 3, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 3rd/4th, 2014 -  So, if you are an avid reader of the news like I am, then after a short while you begin to notice certain “trends” or reoccurring themes.  Especially leading up to or during the Holidays.  You know how it is.  Every October we see all kinds of “spooky” stories about ghosts and goblins and haunted places.  Every November we see a bunch of stories about...

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 2nd/3rd, 2014 -  So, did you happen to see THIS recent study?  Basically they said that “people who dream about murder may be more aggressive during waking hours.”  Dream about WHAT?!?!  Who in the hell dreams about murder?  I would imagine that could be really disturbing!  Of course, it is not like you can control what you dream about anyway, but still.  I have to confess that...

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Monday, December 1, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Dec. 1st/2nd, 2014 -  So, I heard on the radio this afternoon that there is a new scam going around the “interwebs” whereby folks receive an email indicating that they are due to receive an inheritance from a “long lost relative”.  I think you know where this is going right?  So, of course, the fools who believe this will willingly provide the email scammers with...

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Sunday, November 30, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 30th/Dec. 1st, 2014 -  So, as many of you regular readers already know, I am a huge fan of British news websites.  The reason why is because the British seem to really love their news!  Yeah, so there are about 1,382 Daily Newspapers here in The United States and many of them have websites.  The problem is, however, that​

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Saturday, November 29, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 29th/30th, 2014 -  So, have you ever purchased anything off of eBay?  I personally have never used eBay to buy or sell anything, but a whole lot of other people do every day.  In fact, the founder of eBay, Pierre Omidyar, is apparently worth 8.7 Billion Dollars!  So anyway, in my never ending search to find weird and wacky things to write about for you, I stumbled upon...

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Friday, November 28, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 28th/29th, 2014 -  So, did you have anything that your were particularly grateful for during this past Thanksgiving?  As you know, being "thankful" is the proverbial reason for the season as they say.  Well, I suppose I have quite a bit to be thankful to God for.  I and my Wife and kids are all healthy.  We got to spend our day together here at home instead of hanging out in an airport or worse yet, in a ... 

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Thursday, November 27, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 27th/28th, 2014 -  So, did you get stuffed for Thanksgiving?  Did you eat so much that it put you into a Turkey Coma?  Well, of course that’s just an expression and nobody actually goes into a coma after eating a large meal.  But the reason I bring it up is because my Wife and I were watching a T.V. show the other night and one of the characters wound up...

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 26th/27th, 2014 -  So, one of the things that has been all over the news lately (aside from Ferguson) of course, is “immigration”.  Well folks, I’m sorry to report that liberals have been pushing the boundaries on this front for a long time.  In fact, I wrote about an absurd lawsuit way back on August 27th, 2007 for my original Blog “That’s Absurd” which used to appear on Since I (like most of you I presume) am trying to get ready for T-Day, I thought...

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Tuesday, November 25, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 25th/26th, 2014 -  So, rather than focus on all of the recent unpleasantness occurring in Ferguson, I thought I would you give you Dear Readers something completely different to worry about.  Isn’t that nice of me?  Yeah, now this problem has nothing to do with race or politics.  It has nothing to do with police procedures or high crime communities.  In fact, this problem occurs all over the world and is an equal opportunity offender.  Yup, it’s doesn’t matter if...

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Monday, November 24, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 24th/25th, 2014 -  So, I have found throughout the course of my life that in just about all endeavors, there is generally a “right way” and “wrong way” to go about things.  All too often, however, we see folks engaging in the “wrong way”, and it sure does make a huge mess for everyone else. Take for example the protesters in Ferguson, MO.  History teaches us time and time again that...

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Sunday, November 23, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 23rd/24th, 2014 -  So, one of the things that comes with the proverbial territory of “parenthood” is the worry and fear factor.  Not for yourself, of course.  I’m referring to the worry and fear you have for your children and their future.  Now obviously, some things are completely beyond your control.  You can tell your child a thousand times to look both ways before they cross the street, but you can’t block off the streets and roads to traffic.  If I had a nickel for every time I told one of​...
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Saturday, November 22, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 22nd/23rd, 2014 -  So, my wife is a fan of those “Hollywood Gossip” shows on T.V.  You know, like Entertainment Tonight or Access Hollywood and such.  Now I personally can’t stand those types of shows, mainly because I just don’t care about which “star” is dating which, but also because I’m getting to an age where I just don’t know who most of these supposed “celebrities” are!  But occasionally when I happen to walk through the room where my Wife is...

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Friday, November 21, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 21st/22nd, 2014 -  So, do you like going on boat rides or cruises?  If you grow up in an area like where I live, it is inevitable that at some point in time you will find yourself out on the water.  Hell, we’re surrounded by the stuff here!  In my hometown of Va. Beach, Virginia we have all kinds of Charter Boat operations to take people out into the Atlantic Ocean for sightseeing or deep sea fishing.  In our neighboring city of Norfolk there is...

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Thursday, November 20, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 20th/21st, 2014 -  So, unless you have been hiding in a cave for the past couple of weeks, then you already know all about the recent scandals regarding BILL COSBY.  Now what I find to be most interesting about this whole situation is the fact that people are so shocked and surprised.  I mean, yes if the accusations and allegations are true then the man is indeed a...
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Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 19th/20th, 2014 -  So, ​​it seems to be an unfortunate fact of life that when two or more cultures come into contact with each other, bad things tend to happen.  It has apparently been this way since the beginning of time.  In fact, just about the entire Old Testament of The Bible is a narrative describing war and conflict between neighboring cultures.  And just think about​...

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 18th/19th, 2014 -  So, ​​unless you are a fan of reading British News websites like I am, you probably missed THIS STORY.  But, it could just as easily have been written here in America.  Yeah, there’s just no denying it folks, we’re a Nation of “fatties”.  And the really strange part is that we didn’t used to be!  I mean, there has​ always been a certain segment of our population who have been overweight.  Everybody in my age group can remember that one “Aunt” (for example) who​...

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Monday, November 17, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 17th/18th, 2014 -  So, ​​have you ever gone down the rabbit hole?  I did last night.  Yeah, I believe I have written about this before, but nothing puts me to sleep faster than a good old cheesy horror film on T.V.; preferably in black and white and with the volume set on low.  Now while I do maintain a rather formidable collection on DVD, I occasionally just hop on to the ROKU and browse through some of the “spooky” channels...

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Saturday, November 15, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 15th/16th, 2014 -  So, ​​did you see THIS STORY in the news?  Apparently, it’s not all that uncommon for folks to be mistaken for the dead.  WHAT?!?! Yeah, I know it sounds bizarre, but such is the world we live in.  Even after all of this time of living and dying on Planet Earth, we humans still seem to have a hard time figuring out when a person is actually deceased.  I guess we need to​...

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Friday, November 14, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 14th/15th, 2014 -  So, ​​it seems the biggest crisis in America these days is "immigration".  Yeah, we've got illegal immigrants streaming over the borders, we've got Joe Biden wanting to just fly them in on planes, and we've got a President who says "Constitution?  We don't need no stinking Constitution!"  Well, believe it or not folks, this battle over immigration has been going on for a very long time in...

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Thursday, November 13, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 13th/14th, 2014 -  So, ​​do you believe in magic?  No?  Well, I don’t either, but apparently a whole lot of other people do.  I mean, they must believe in magic, or I wouldn’t still be seeing all of these ridiculous ads on the “interwebs” every day.  You know, these ads for products such as​...

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 12th/13th, 2014 -  So, ​​do you like “art”?  My daughter absolutely loves to draw and paint, so we have her “masterpieces” all over the house.  She is rather prolific for an 8 year old!  Well, even though you probably have at least a picture or two hanging in your home, have you ever given much thought as to...

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 11th/12th, 2014 -  So,
​​I trust everyone has had a nice Veterans Day?  If you missed my special Veterans Day Absurdity Edition, then click HERE and scroll down a bit for it.  Moving right along, for those of you who have kids, what I am about to explain will not be “news” to you at all.  For those of you who don’t, you will just have to remember your own childhood (assuming you had one) to relate to this.  But anyway, there comes a time (or 2 or 3 or more) in every parent’s life when they have to​...

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Monday, November 10, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 10th/11th, 2014 -  So, ​​as November 11th marks the annual celebration of Veterans Day, I thought I would honor the brave men and women of our nation’s Armed Forces both past and present by presenting the tale of the strangest battle our country has ever fought in its history.  Many people probably don’t even know about this battle, but everything I am about to relay to you is true.  It’s going to​...

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Saturday, November 8, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 8th/9th, 2014 -  So, ​​do you like music?  Of course you do!  Who doesn’t right?  Music in the car during long trips, music in the background while doing chores around the house, or if you’re like me, suffering through the syrupy electronic video game sounding fluff that my 8 year old daughter sings along with on YouTube everyday.  But the​...

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Friday, November 7, 2014 - Humorous Observations - Humorous Observations

Nov. 7th/8th, 2014 -  So, ​​I was perusing around the “interwebs” today and I found THIS STORY about a new invention that will soon be coming to market.  Now, what fascinates me about this particular invention is the simple fact that I should have thought of this first! Yup!  In fact, I wrote about this very activity before.  For those of you who have been regular visitors, you might recall that back in mySept. 6th/7th Edition, I wrote of​...

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