Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Nov. 11th/12th, 2014 -  So,
​​I trust everyone has had a nice Veterans Day?  If you missed my special Veterans Day Absurdity Edition, then click HERE and scroll down a bit for it.  Moving right along, for those of you who have kids, what I am about to explain will not be “news” to you at all.  For those of you who don’t, you will just have to remember your own childhood (assuming you had one) to relate to this.  But anyway, there comes a time (or 2 or 3 or more) in every parent’s life when they have to​...

​​READ MORE <----(Click for the rest of the story and your free :)

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