Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.29th/Sep.30th'2015 So, when was the last time you spoke on the phone with a Nine Year Old Girl? WHAT?!?! Well, it could happen. In fact, it DID happen. And no, I'm not a pervert you weirdos, she is my little girl! As in I helped make her, and My Wife brought her into this world, so she could grow up to be Nine years old and talk to me, HER FATHER! OK? Geeez, everything has to be all weird and stuff in this world doesn't it? Like I would actually...

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.27th/Sep.28th'2015 So, apparently I have E.S.P. Y'all! WHAT?!?!I know!Can you believe it? I didn't think I did ever before, but my "Roommate" says I must have it. ("Wait, what? I thought you said you were Married?" I hear you ask.) Yes, I am. To my Wife. Only she isn't my "Roommate".WHAT?!?!? Yes Y'all, you've obviously forgotten or you are new to the absurdity here, but I am a "Road Warrior" (see my entry from Aug.30th/Aug 31st '2015 for an explanation of that). So...


Friday, September 25, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.25th/Sep.26th'2015 So, everybody and every "thing" has a place where they go when the die. WHAT?!?!  Well, you know what I mean. Humans have Graveyards or Crematoriums, dogs and cats in the "country" have back yards, and the "city dogs and cats" get deposited at the vet's office. Goldfish have the toilet. Farm animals have the slaughter house. Wild animals have "nature", which is loosely defined as...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.22nd/Sep.23rd'2015 So,  "youth is wasted on the wrong people." No, I didn't come up with that phrase, and the link I provided (should you watch it) explains the context. But it is truth. Young people cannot possibly understand the enormity and the the profundity of that statement. Youth is fresh, and everything is new, and energy levels are high, and muscle and bone is ever growing and increasing, and every experience is an exciting revelation. Depending upon...


Sunday, September 20, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.21st/Sep.22nd'2015 So, So, have you ever had a "frog in your throat"? You know that old expression right? It means "temporary hoarseness caused by phlegm in the back of the throat." according to THIS LINK on the "interwebs", and of course, "they can't put it on the internet if it isn't true" according to the State Farm Commercial, so "Bon Jour!"  Anyway, according to The National Geographic Society, frogs DO come from your throat.WHAT?!?! Well....

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.19th/Sep.20th'2015 So, apparently there are some really bored "Scientists" and "Animal Researchers" in the world these days. I mean there simply must be, because there certainly are quite a few (as of yet) unanswered questions regarding various animals and their respective behaviors, and yet the latest study results released by these "Researchers" indicate that... 


Thursday, September 17, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.17th/Sep.18th'2015 So, I'm going for a World Record Y'all! Yup! I'm gonna be in the Guinness Book of World Records. I am literally on my way to being #1 in the WORLDin my category, which is rather unfortunate I'm afraid. WHAT?!?!? Yeah, the "record" that my body is apparently trying to break all on it's own without consulting my heart, or brain, or soul and/or getting their consent is the one about  "longest suffering human being with the Common Cold".  I'll need to do a bit more research on the current record holder to...


Monday, September 14, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.15th/Sep.16th'2015 So, every time I see an old white "Lincoln Continental" driving down the road I think its my late Mother.WHAT?!?! Yes, I know. Its weird. Welcome to my brain. That's how it works. My Mother is "no longer with us" as the polite folks say. She has "passed" as the Church folks say. You get my meaning. But when she was amongst us here, she drove a great big white Lincoln Continental, and not many folks did at the time of her passing. So, when you...


Saturday, September 12, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.13th/Sep.14th'2015 So, Holy Cow Y'all! I'm gonna win a "free house"!!! Well, not yet. I have to write "the essay" first. But once I do that, the house is as good as mine. And guess what else? You might could win one too!!! Oh wait a minute, there is only one "free house" available and I'm gonna enter, and clearly I will be "selected" and you won't, but don't let let that deter you. Especially since grammar is one of those rules that I know and can't seem to... 


Friday, September 11, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.11th/Sep.12th'2015 So, ​how paranoid do we expect the Elementary School Teachers in America to be? WHAT?!?!Well, why wouldn't they be paranoid when they overhear their prepubescent little pupils discussing a "gun". OH MY!!!! Everybody run for your lives!!!! Little children are talking, and some kid said the "g" word!!!! PLEASE!!! What in the world is wrong with this picture huh? Well, I will...


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.10th/Sep.11th'2015 So, ​the Food Police are at it again y'all. WHAT?!?! Only you mean WHO?!?!? You know who. The Food police a.k.a. "The Food Nazis". The "powers that be" who try to control what types of food you (or your spawn) consume during your brief time here on Earth. They mostly exist in New York City for some odd reason. Yes, the city about which Frank Sinatra once famously sang -...


Monday, September 7, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.8th/Sep.9th'2015 So, ​I realize that this is supposed to be a "humorous commentary", but sometimes life is not humorous. And, as an Educated Adult with almost 50 years of life experience under my belt, I feel not only qualified, but compelled to ask the serious questions of our time. But first, we need to "set the table" as they say. "The Stage" if you prefer. The subject matter of today's absurdity is REFUGEES. If you haven't heard...


Sunday, September 6, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.6th/Sep.7th'2015 So, ​television in American Culture has become completely absurd. Perhaps it always was and I just never detected it. I have no idea. But either way, Bruce Springsteen was apparently a prophet.WHAT?!?!  Well, you tell me, what are you supposed to call a man who writes and sings a song called  "57 Channels (And Nothin' On)" years before today? He was right about the last part. The first part, however, he "mis-underestimated" as George W. so ...


Friday, September 4, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.4th/Sep.5th'2015 So, when was the last time you tried to dig a hole to China in the middle of your front lawn? WHAT?!?! Yes y'all, it can happen. In fact it did happen. It happened today, right smack in the middle of our front yard. Only the two men who dug the hole never reached China. They did, however, reach our...


Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.2nd/Sep3rd '2015 So, yes y'all it is real. I have a "WORLD EXCLUSIVE". This is "Breaking News" and you should all do your best to make it "viral" or whatever the kids say or do these days. So here it is. The creatures formerly thought of as purely mythological or allegorical known throughout history as "TROLLS" actually exist in our world, and I have documented proof. WHAT?!?! Yes, you... 


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Thatisabsurdity.com - Humorous Observations

Sept.2nd/Sep3rd '2015 So, yes y'all it is real. I have a "WORLD EXCLUSIVE". This is "Breaking News" and you should all do your best to make it "viral" or whatever the kids say or do these days. So here it is. The creatures formerly thought of as purely mythological or allegorical known throughout history as "TROLLS" actually exist in our world, and I have documented proof.WHAT?!?! Yes, you...