Friday, April 15, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News. - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Apr. 15th/Apr. 16th 2016
So,​  I have warned you Dear Readers before. I told you about The Scanners (See entry from: Dec. 2nd./3rd. 2015) I have also warned you that I briefly returned to my Alter-Ego of "The Road Warrior".  So, anyway what my Mind (read EARS) heard was (and I quote) - "YouCAN'T throw up at work! Randy is always watching, and he told you, and he WILL call you out on it. You candrink, but you can'tthrow up at work or heWILL let you go". Now, I ask you Dear Readers, do you think you would want anyone...


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