Thursday, September 6, 2018

Where Did They Go?

Hello Y'all! Sorry I haven't written in a while, but I've been busy doing nothing at all. Anyway, I got to thinking about Conspiracy Theories today. The latest one floating around the Interwebs is the "Qanon" deal. Have no fear, I'm not going down that particular Rabbit Hole today. You can Google that stuff all damn day long and still come back with - "OK, WHAT?!?!?". No, I'm talking about OLD Conspiracy Theories. The ones that you used to see a while back but nobody talks about anymore. Where did they go? Where do old Conspiracy Theories go to die? Or, is it like MacArthur famously said - "Old Conspiracy Theories never die, they just fade away." OK, he didn't really say that. But anyway, let's get to it and see if you, like me, remember any of these gems.

THE BLACK HELICOPTERS. Remember this one? This was big back in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Yeah, the story goes that if you saw a U.F.O. or "Flying Saucer" and told anybody about it, the "Mysterious Black Helicopters" would begin following you around. Kinda reminds me of that scene in Goodfellas, only without the cool music. Good times, good times. Anyway, apparently the Black Helicopters no longer do this. Where did they go? I mean, these days you can report a U.F.O. all day long and nobody so much as bats an eye. In fact, you can release footage from actual U.S. Military Pilots shot from the cockpit, and the public says - *Yawn* Nothing to see here folks. Move along. But most importantly, no helicopters, Black or otherwise. That theory is gone like Tuesday in the wind. Moving right along ->

CHEMTRAILS. Remember this one? This lasted a bit longer than the helicopters. In fact, you can still find folks today who are trying to keep it alive. But mostly, it too is missing from our collective consciousness. Now if you aren't familiar, the theory goes that the U.S. Military (or Somebody) is flying aircraft in the sky that spread chemicals in the form of contrails. Hence the name - Chem plus Contrail equals Chemtrail. And these chemicals are supposedly really bad. Depending upon who is revealing the theory, the Chemtrails are either meant to seed clouds to control the weather, or they are psycho-active agents that are designed to poison the minds of the masses to make us all compliant for the New World Order. Fun stuff huh? Anyway, planes are still flying and still leaving white streaks in the skies, but the Conspiracy Theories about them are gone. Where did they go?

Oh well, there are many more I'm sure, but my hands hurt from typing. If you've got any fun theories to share, hit me up on twitter. Otherwise, keep your eyes on the skies and I'll see you tomorrow!

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