Monday, February 29, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News. - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 29th/Mar. 1st 2016
So,​   are you old enough to remember renting movies in VHS format at a Video Store like "Blockbuster"? If so, then you may remember that overwhelming feeling you got when after after looking at over 10,000 VHS tape-box covers trying to find something to watch that evening, you exclaimed  "there's nothing good". The comedian Louie Anderson even did a routine about it. Too many choices tend to lead to indecision. It's a part of the human condition. I remember when our son was very young. My wife used to make the mistake of asking him "what would you like for dinner?" every evening. This, of course, always led to our son asking for things that we either didn't have on hand, or weren't fully prepared to make that evening (read Fast Food ala McDonald's). So, I...


Friday, February 26, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News. - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 26th/Feb. 27th 2016
So,​   have you ever been issued a speeding ticket? It's not a very pleasant "gift" to be sure, but if you drive long enough, it's bound to happen to you sooner or later. So what did you do when you got the ticket? Did you simply mail in your payment, or did you actually go to court to fight the charges? I've personally done it both ways, and I can assure you that most of the time, it's best to just pay off the fine and move on with your life. I mean, even if you feel one hundred percent innocent of the charge, by the time you take time off from work...


Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News. - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 24th/Feb. 25th 2016
So,​  what's in your gullet? Yes, I know that's a blatant ripoff of that infamous credit card commercial, but it's a serious question. Are you worried about your weight? If so, you're not alone. America is obsessed with weight and size. She's too heavy, he's too big, they're too large.....Enough 
already. Can we just be honest here? I realize that honesty "is such a lonely word" as Billy Joel so famously crooned, but nobody wants to say the truth about the matter. So, allow your humbleAuthor of Absurdity to be the Arbiter of Truth. I'll weather the arrows and daggers for you, so you can just silently agree. The truth of the matter is that...


Monday, February 22, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 22nd/Feb. 23rd 2016
So,​  wouldn't it be nice if life was like a computer or video game? If you've ever played games on a PC or a console, then you already know how the game makers handle certain "inconvenient truths" about real life. For those of you who don't, however, here is how these things always go. In PC/Console games, you (or the character you are playing as) are able to absorb an enormous amount of physical abuse and damage without dying. Multiple gunshot wounds, hacks with large blades, giant boulders (or worse) thrown at you; the works. In real life, of course, any single one of these events would...


Friday, February 19, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 19th/Feb. 20th 2016
So,​  it's all about  hy·poc·ri·sy these days. For those of you who need a proper definition, here it is - " the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense." And that is according toGoogle. And they can't put it on the interwebs if it isn't true right? So anyway, there is too much hypocrisy and too many hypocrites in our world. It's everywhere you look. The latest example is...


Monday, February 15, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.:

Feb. 15th/Feb. 16th 2016
So,​    I find it offensive when people are offended. "I'm offended, you're offended, she's offended, he's offended, wouldn't you like to be offended too?" (Sung to the tune of the old Dr. Pepper commercial). People don't acceptoffense, they "take it". They even say so! "I take offense to that!" they will exclaim. If I don't offer to give offense and they take it anyway, isn't that called stealing? Is observation of theabsurdity of the human condition offensive? If so I am offensive. Is absurdityin general offensive? Guilty as charged. How about...


Thursday, February 11, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 11th/Feb. 12th 2016
So,​   I'm a bit confused y'all. A woman just came on the television and said she was "Your face of Fox 43". I assume she was speaking to me, as I was the only one in the room watching at the moment. Anyway, if she is speaking to me, and she tells me she is "your face face of Fox 43", isn't that supposed to mean that, in fact,  she is MY FACE of Fox 43? And, if that is the case, how in the hell did my face wind up on Fox 43?!?!?! I don't recall anyone from TV asking permission to borrow my face. I mean,...


Saturday, February 6, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 6th/Feb. 7th 2016
So,​  I don't know, I wasn't thinking about that just now. WHAT?!?!Have you ever had one of those occasions? Somebody asks you a random question 'out of the blue' that you would would ordinarily know instantly, but you weren't "thinking about that" at that moment? "What is the name of the car insurance company with the commercial featuring the Asian girl talking about her car named 'Brad'"? Yeah, I've seen the commercial ten thousand times, and if I had been thinking about car insurance, I might have paid attention. But I didn't, so I don't know, because I wasn't...  


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 3rd/Feb. 4th 2016
So,​    did you ever get into one of those moods where you have all the time in the world to do something productive, and you desperately feel that you should do something productive, but you can't seem to get started on anything, so you end up doing a whole lot of nothing? Welcome to my today. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I have the day off from work. I could clean the house. I could take a nap. I could begin my long awaited masterpiece blog entry. Instead, I find myself writing about...