Monday, February 29, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News. - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 29th/Mar. 1st 2016
So,​   are you old enough to remember renting movies in VHS format at a Video Store like "Blockbuster"? If so, then you may remember that overwhelming feeling you got when after after looking at over 10,000 VHS tape-box covers trying to find something to watch that evening, you exclaimed  "there's nothing good". The comedian Louie Anderson even did a routine about it. Too many choices tend to lead to indecision. It's a part of the human condition. I remember when our son was very young. My wife used to make the mistake of asking him "what would you like for dinner?" every evening. This, of course, always led to our son asking for things that we either didn't have on hand, or weren't fully prepared to make that evening (read Fast Food ala McDonald's). So, I...


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