Monday, February 15, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.:

Feb. 15th/Feb. 16th 2016
So,​    I find it offensive when people are offended. "I'm offended, you're offended, she's offended, he's offended, wouldn't you like to be offended too?" (Sung to the tune of the old Dr. Pepper commercial). People don't acceptoffense, they "take it". They even say so! "I take offense to that!" they will exclaim. If I don't offer to give offense and they take it anyway, isn't that called stealing? Is observation of theabsurdity of the human condition offensive? If so I am offensive. Is absurdityin general offensive? Guilty as charged. How about...


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