Saturday, February 6, 2016

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.

I just visited- - Humorous Observations & Odd News.: Odd News Humorous Observations Safe For Work

Feb. 6th/Feb. 7th 2016
So,​  I don't know, I wasn't thinking about that just now. WHAT?!?!Have you ever had one of those occasions? Somebody asks you a random question 'out of the blue' that you would would ordinarily know instantly, but you weren't "thinking about that" at that moment? "What is the name of the car insurance company with the commercial featuring the Asian girl talking about her car named 'Brad'"? Yeah, I've seen the commercial ten thousand times, and if I had been thinking about car insurance, I might have paid attention. But I didn't, so I don't know, because I wasn't...  


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